Our Approach
Many organisations say they customise. What they really mean is that you can pick any combination of their existing modules that you think will work for you. And while we can provide that basic level of customisation, we think we do our best work when we work together to:
Understand what you really need

We genuinely start by understanding your strategic agenda and what you want, so that we can make choices about what will work best for you. Our experience with many organisations and all the major leadership and organisational culture tools (including Lominger, Hay Group, Human Synergistics, Aon Hewitt, Gallup, SHL, Kouzes and Posner, HBDI, MBTI, SHL) means we can add insight to the information you already have to focus and shape our work together.

Appreciate what you’ve already done

Many organisations have a history of lurching from one development initiative to another. The result is that each new initiative takes greater effort for fewer gains. Therefore, where possible, we prefer to link to and build on work that has been done before.
Structure multiple touch-points across time

The best way to embed change is to create multiple touch-points across time as one-off events rarely lead to significant changes. At CATALYST4 we blend face to face with technology touchpoints. We emphasise face to face workshops, led by an experienced facilitator as international research shows this is critical for the transfer of learning in complex and people related issues

Create solutions that build strategic and emotional intelligence

There is an art and science to working effectively with people. We work hard to create solutions that are strategically robust AND have a depth of emotional intelligence. We do this by blending “heat experiences” (taking people outside their comfort zones) and “connecting experiences” (building depth in relationships).