We are a


People and Organisational Change

We challenge people to see, and enable them to do, things differently.

What we do

We have been fortunate to have been the CATALYST4 people and organisational change in many leading organisations both in New Zealand and internationally.

Leadership Development

We develop leaders over time integrating their key interpersonal and strategic challenges. We have specialist expertise in developing leadership at senior levels.

Executive Team Development

The limits of change, innovation and collaboration are set at the executive team level. We customise approaches that enhance executive team interactions and performance.

Building Resilience

We develop new habits of thinking that enable people to be more focused and energised in their professional and personal lives.

Vision and Strategy

We work with leaders to build their capacity to think differently about the future and work with organisations to create alignment and commitment to a shared future.

High Performing Teams

Online tools to help leaders structure conversations that build the team culture and enhance performance.

All of Life Blueprint

This programme gives the space and support to get clear on what matters to you and your future. Can be done individually or as a couple.

What Counts as Leadership

Extract from University of Auckland Short Sharp Series

No. Years Experience



Current Projects

Our Approach

At CATALYST4, we believe that each organisation we work with is unique. Therefore, we work hard to understand your needs before providing a solution.  We think we do our best work when we work together to:


  • Understand what you really need, and what’s unique about the situation you find yourself in.
  • Appreciate what you’ve already done.
  • Structure multiple touch-points across time to embed change.
  • Create solutions that build strategic and emotional intelligence.

Some of Our Latest Work


9 month leadership development programme for group/service/clinical partners

St John

Executive Team and Individual Leadership Development

Fisher & Paykel

Executive Team Coaching

AA Insurance

Executive Team and Leadership Development in partnership with University of Auckland


Deepening and broadening strategic, interpersonal and personal leadership skills. Customised development structured over three distinct phases

Riley Consultants

Executive Team Development and 1:1 coaching


Executive Team Development, and Strategy and Team Development for the IT and Culture & People Teams


Executive Team Development, Senior Team Development within Market Services and Immigration, 1:1 coaching

Who We Work Alongside


Providing research and advice around contemporary leadership development practices, challenging the usual thinking and doing around the recurring issues and embedded systems that hold organisations, communities and individuals back.

University of Auckland

Peter designs and facilitates the C-Suite programmes and customised programmes for clients such as Westpac, Hawkins, Southern Cross.


Challenge of Change Resilience

An evidence-based programme developed by Dr Derek Roger. This unique approach to resilience training brings positive changes in individuals, teams and culture.


From our clients

I have had the pleasure of working with Peter Blyde since 2006. The programme’s on going sustainability is testimony to the excellent content and delivery provided. His commitment and expertise with leadership is evident in many ways including being very intentional with programme capability requirements, relating well with a range of senior participants and stakeholders, challenging participants to step outside of known comfort zones, working with his client to ensure maximum benefits from the programme, and evaluating, changing and improving the programme.

Anne Welsh

Manager Learning and Organisational Development, HR and OD, Waikato DHB

They are true partners, working in collaboration to understand the unique challenges and needs of the client and to bring solutions that are research-driven and best-practice, yet packaged in a way that will resonate with the target audience.

Chris Wyborn

GMHR Global Consumer & Foodservice, Fonterra

As the founding Chief Executive of the New Zealand Leadership Institute, I’ve worked closely with Peter for over 10 years and seen first-hand his work with executives across NZ.  He’s credible and engaging with senior executive audiences, has a depth of insight into what leadership really is, and has a distinctive ability to design and deliver leadership development experiences that make a difference.  Having seen and worked with many people in leadership development, I regard Peter as one of the best and am happy to recommend him.

Dr Lester Levy

Professor (Adjunct) of Leadership at the Auckland University Business School, Chairman of Auckland Transport and Tonkin & Taylor, independent director Orion Health

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